Why do we toast with wine?

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It is very common when we share a glass of wine or celebrate something we resort to toasting. The truth is that generation after generation the act of toasting is something that we have internalized and we have been doing it, more or less spontaneously, to celebrate a special moment. Depending on the occasion, sometimes we accompany the toast with a phrase or some reflection, but the meaning of the gesture is usually the same: to express our good wishes towards someone or towards some event, celebrate something. But have you ever wondered where this custom comes from?

Why do we clink glasses in a toast?

As we will explain later, according to the rules of international protocol, currently crashing the glasses together is not the right thing to do. Although as we know, it is a deeply rooted custom. You want to know why?
Well, we are sorry to tell you that there is not a single answer since there are various theories about it that we summarize below:

The toast in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

One of the most accepted versions of the widespread custom of clink glasses that we see so often says that it has its origin in ancient Rome, in the fourth century BC. At that time, it was common to kill someone poisoning the glasses, so the hosts, as a symbol of trust, strongly collided the glasses with their guests, which caused the liquid from one glass to pass into the other. In this way it was clear that there had been no type of poisoning, since the two who made the toast drank the same.
Another theory says that in the great banquets, which the wealthiest organized for their honor or to delight someone, the servants served all the attendees in the glasses and the host raised his glass and took a drink, as a sign that the drink was good and or was not toxic.

Another version indicates ancient Greece as its origin, where large banquets and parties were also common. Such was the magnitude of those parties, that the diners used to raise and hit their glasses to attract the attention of the servants and thus get them to serve them more drink again. This custom gave rise to the toast, with which the glasses would be hit to attract the attention of the rest of the guests to make the toast.

brindis vikingo

Another theory says that the action of toasting comes from the Vikings. It was said that wine is enjoyed by all the senses except hearing. So with the clink of the glasses, this sense also participated in the joy of the drink.

To us, all these possible origins of the toast seem very curious and each one of them has its meaning.


Religious origin of toast

Brindis Origen religioso

The custom of drinking "to the health" of the living most likely derives from the ancient religious rite of toasting the gods and the dead. At meals, the Greeks and Romans made libations (they poured wine or liquors) in honor of their gods, and at ceremonial banquets, they toasted them and the deceased." They did so both to show gratitude and to ask for their intercession in certain matters of his interest.The act of toasting the health of living men and the expression "Salud!"

Source: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1910 edition, volume 13, page 121


Why we say "Cheers"

“Cheers” originated from the old French word chiere which meant “face” or “head.” By the 18th century, it meant “gladness,” and was used as a way of expressing encouragement. Today, “cheers,” is simply a symbolic and succinct way of toasting with the wish of good cheer and good health to those around us – an exercise of camaraderie.

Hip Hip Hurrah Artists Party Skagen Peder Severin Krøyer Gothenburg Museum of Art Photo: Hossein Sehatlou, CC BY 4.0,

Toast at a banquet; Work (oil on canvas) of the painter Peder Severin Krøyer

How should it be toasted at a table according to the protocol?

According to international protocol, whoever is going to make the toast must stand up, raise their glass and say the words to which they want to make the toast. When you finish speaking, the others should raise their glasses and bring them closer. You should never touch glasses but you should always look into the eyes of other people when toasting.

Como se debe brindar en una mesa

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